My life is better now, in the sense that I don't worry about who I'm going to pay, if I can make a payment on time, or the, "What if my car breaks down and I can't afford to get it fixed?" scenarios.
Being debt free has really made a difference in my happiness. Just recently I bought a plane ticket, concert ticket and hotel stay for NYC. This is going to be a pricey already is and I haven't even gone! NEVER would I have been able to do this if I was still in debt!
One friend who I am meeting in NYC asked another friend who is also going, "Is she (me) really going? I thought she couldn't afford these trips!?" Well the friend being asked was able to tell her that I paid off all my debts :) That felt good.
NOBODY I know, knows that I keep this blog. I guess it's a way of me talking to myself? Hmmm... I get to tell the screen everything that other people would just get sick of hearing. Well, I can be happy and tell myself, "Happy Anniversary." Cheers!