Friday, April 17, 2009

Payday...and I'm broke!

Oh, how I ♥ paydays! It's funny though, because it's not that I'm excited to have money in my account so I can go shopping for things I really don't need. It's more exciting for me to know that I'm one step closer to being debt free!!

A couple of weeks ago, I set up a budget on Excel through the end of 2011. Yes, the year 2011. According to my figures, this is how long it will take me to become debt free. That is, of course, dependent on my income remaining where it is now and my expenditures also being stable, ie. rent, gas, electricity, food, etc. Also, I did not figure any money made through extra avenues such as ebay, the possible occasional yard sale, odd jobs, etc.

So, today I was happy to be able to go online, see the balance in my checking account and pay some bills. It's funny though, because I'm always broke even if I just got paid. I've turned down a lot of things lately such as going out to eat and buying things I normally wouldn't think twice about. My eating habits have changed, I'm eating homemade beans :) and they're damn good!!


  1. I think it's a good sign when you honestly get excited to pay debt down. Whenever I click on "make payment" I get a little thrilled!

  2. Glad to know I'm not the only one! I think it's a good sign too, but it sure took me a long time to get there because I sure didn't feel that way in my late teens and early twenties.

    In those years I wanted to get out of debt but never tried hard enough to make it happen. The part time jobs just allowed me to spend more!

    Good luck with your debt free goal!!!
