Friday, January 22, 2010

And the ball keeps rolling...

I need to check in as I paid some on my loan with money from housesitting. The new balance is $4563.xx! I don't even think I realized that I'm under $5K! It's amazing...this is the least I have owed in YEARS and it's getting better all the time!

I should get paid on Monday and will be paying more towards the dreaded debt.

I must admit though...I went out with the girls yesterday and spent about $20 on drinks. I needed it.

I'm such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol...which has its pros and cons. It's good because I spend less to feel a buzz...but bad because I have to really pace myself...I guess that isn't a con. I just have to nurse my drinks.


  1. Great job! Hitting that "less than 5K" is so cool!!! Not far to go until your Debt Free!!!!!

  2. Thanks so much!!! I'm ultra excited about it! :) Just a few months left!!!!
