Last weekend I spent some time with friends and relatives going on a walk to see the leaves. Some time ago, one of them showed interest in Dave Ramsey and getting out of debt so I loaned her my "Total Money Makeover" book. I wish I could say she's been working on her financial situation, but she hasn't. However, she did ask me again today what station Dave Ramsey was on, on the radio.
I had a little talk with another of my cousins and told him that if I had started saving when I was his age (20), I could have a paid for house right now. Hopefully that got him to think a little because he is at the age where he just wants a fun and fast car. He told me that he pays about $800 a month on the car payment and insurance!! Yikes!
I really want friends and family to realize what they can have if they don't accumulate debt, such as less stress, security (savings), and the ability to do things for others.
Oh, and there weren't many leaves left on the trees, but it was beautiful!

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