Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Ok, the other $100 transfer made it to my bank account so I just paid Amex which said my balance was $7,4xx.  I'll admit that I just charged $55 to my card for Carfax since I'm selling my car and car shopping.  Why did I use the Amex?  As mentioned before, I have the number memorized and it's easy.

Also, with the money I had coming in from eBay, I purchased the cute pair of sandals on eBay mentioned in my last post.  This left me with only about $10 in the account so I am waiting to get a little more before I make a transfer.  I should have about $30-40 in the account at this point.

What I am writing about now is sort of off topic.  I went to the dentist today to have a filling done and was given the option to have a shot to numb me for 30 minutes or the usual 3 hours.  I chose the 30 minutes...big mistake!  I left the dentist's office at around 2:50 pm.  From there I went to the office supply store to buy labels and printer ink.  On my way there which was only about a 10-15 minute drive I had a lot of pain in my jaw.  The numbing shot had worn off and I hadn't taken any ibuprofen.  That's where the big mistake was.  When I finished at the store and got in my car, I took 800mg of ibuprofen but it didn't kick in until approximately 4:30 pm!  Pain!  I suppose I would do the 30 minute shot again, but take ibuprofen immediately after leaving the office.

The reason I said that was "sort of off topic" is because I had to pay $85 for the copay.  This didn't get charged on any of my cards because I actually had the cash!  Each month I put away just a small amount of money towards things such as eyes, teeth, purse, perfume, car, tires, and Christmas (just started this one).  I had about $110 in the envelope so it was no big deal to pull some money for this visit.  I highly recommend anyone do this if you know something is coming up and you don't like it to hit your pocketbook suddenly.

Here's to saving!

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