Saturday, April 12, 2014

Writing a report on debt for class

I've been thinking a lot about debt lately due to a speech I'm writing for a public speaking class assignment.  We are to write a 4-6 minute informative speech on any topic we choose.  Since I'm so passionate about personal finance, this is the topic I've chosen; to be quite honest, although speaking in front of a class isn't my cup of tea, I'm really looking forward to it for the teaching aspect!

I feel my speech could go on forever with what I've learned and gone through, but will need to narrow it down to a few points.  My hope is that it will help at least one person in the class realize that life can be lived without debt!

Debt seems to be a way of life these days and it hasn't been that long since credit cards have been around.  Since I'm in my 30s and credit cards were introduced when I was approximately 10 years old, and most of my classmates are in their 20s, they were born when credit cards were already a household staple and probably don't know any different.

Now I must get my report written and organized so I can stay on track and not have points docked for talking too long!

On another note, I've wondered many times if anyone has been helped by my blog.

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