Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Final countdown for car!

I've reached the thousand dollar mark, $997 to be exact, for the balance of my car!! I'm so excited and plan to have it paid off by mid October.

Today I made a payment of $200 and tomorrow will probably add another $65 or so.

Now, if my ebay will stay steady (or increase) and I get to keep housesitting...and keep my last debt, AMEX, will be paid off next year!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Home again

I'm back home from housesitting which is nice, but I was so exhausted yesterday from going, going and going some more.

Today I paid another $210 to my car loan which brings it down to $1197. In a couple more days I will be paying another $200, I just set up a PayPal transfer to my bank account for ebay stuff that sold and it will take two days to reach my bank account. After that payment, I will owe less than one thoudsand dollars!!!

It's hard to believe that if I would have just stayed focused long ago, I could have been out of debt by now. I have tried, but obviously not hard enough. Everytime I got a part time job, I swore the extra income would go to my debt but had a hard time sticking to it.

Now...I guess I am just so sick of debt that I can't stand to NOT pay the loans down. I can't wait to be free from owing...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another $60

Today I took $60.00 out from a bank account where I've saved up some ebay money, and paid my car. This brought my balance to $1567.xx! I'm getting close to being half way done paying off my debts. It's hard for me to believe that about half of my debt has been to American Express and I really don't have much to show for it...besides pictures of trips and some electronic stuff which by the way is outdated now.

These nine months since I started my journey have really gone by pretty fast, I can definitely do another 9 months if that is what it will take to be done.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Once again I am housesitting which is great because I get paid, but not so great because I miss my BF :( I still get to go home and see him for a very short while each day, but it's ever long enough. He doesn't like it either but knows I'm trying to get out of debt and this is really helping. My last check went straight to my car loan which is dwindling away.

More car payments & AMEX

I've made a couple more car payments and am so happy to know I only owe $1,626 on it! I'm on track to get it paid off in October which means I will be one year early according to the original payoff date from the loan agreement.

On the other hand, I am upset that American Express sent me a letter to advise that my interest rate will be increasing due to the economy... Um sure, I believe that one. We'll see what they raise it to on my next bill. Good thing is, they are next and last to go!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Shame on me...

I've been pretty bad at keeping records lately, so my balances haven't changed much. I should have paid a bit more to my car from overage in my checking account...but I haven't made that happen.

Also, I went on a nice little camping trip for Labor Day weekend and probably spent about $200.00 on it! That was supposed to go to my car, but there is nothing I can do about that now.

Moving on...and thinking my car won't be paid off until Novemberish. BUT...I updated the sidebar and am happy to know that my car balance is $2,261!