Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It sure has been a loooong time since I posted!  Actually, I tried posting from my phone some time ago, but it didn't go through...and now I don't remember what I said in that post :/

I'm still sort of on track, I haven't racked up debt like before.  There is some mindless accumulation of debt built back up on my AMEX card which I chose to keep open for work expenses.  It's really a bad situation because I know that card number by memory so when I shop online, guess which card gets used!?

Overall, I'm happy with how far I've come.  I'm in the process of looking for a replacement car and if all goes well, I will pay cash for it.  If I can't find what I want, I'll have to finance less than $5k.  I could pay for it, but would rather not.  Stupid, I know.

Anyhow, life has been good, I received a (long awaited) raise at my job and need to kick myself in the butt and get back on track with money.  However, I still budget and pay all the bills and myself first.

I've also put myself back in school so I can have a well paying career.  It will probably take a long time, but if I'm alive, I'll either be alive with a degree, or none.  My choice.  When I look at the people around me getting their PhD's, Masters, and Bachelors degrees, it makes me sad to know that I SHOULD be there too!  What's wrong with me?!  Just slow I guess.  Summer classes start in two weeks, I'm enrolled for one class at the community college.

Something I've learned...it's much easier to lose track of your spending if you use plastic.  Cash is the best way to go.  Sometimes I don't get cash from the bank when I get paid, and end up using my debit card for everything and lose track of what's left.  Not good.

The good thing is, I do pay myself first.  This is a must if you want to save any amount of money.  Out of sight, out of mind.

There you have it, some rambling.

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