Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Free Money
Monday, November 8, 2010
Beautiful Weekend

Saturday, November 6, 2010
First Month of Amex Savings
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Still on track...
The month of October I was able to transfer $1,630.00 to my savings account! Yipee!!
Also, I've gone to the gym as planned, three times a week for a total of 10 times now! This is my fourth week of going and I do feel like it's becoming a habit.
This month I don't think I'll be able to save as much, but should still be able to reach my monthly goal of $1,000.00.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Did I make it to the gym?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
To be, or not to be...healthy
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thrift Store Shopping
Friday, October 8, 2010
Savings goal
Loose change
Sunday, October 3, 2010
American Express Savings
Friday, October 1, 2010
Children and Savings
Savings Interest Rates
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Work, work, work
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Not Much
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Cell phone died
I had been wanting to get a new one because the other one was constantly acting up. Now I have it, and am quite pleased. Lately it seems the customer service has not been the greatest at VZW, but yesterday they were awesome :). Keep it up guys!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Just Waiting
However, it feels like I'm getting better since I've been able to get up and do laundry without getting exhausted. :) I can't wait to be back to my normal self, a busy body.
Well, at least I've watched some movies which I never seem to make time for. :) I will watch some more today.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I like New York...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tomorrow I leave for a short trip to the Big Apple, New York City! This is my first time going there and I'm excited! Relatives of my guy friend are going and told us we could join...and the room would be paid for, but we are going to stay with his cousin in Manhattan.
They've all been there before so know it a bit, I'm trusting them for a great time! They are fun people.
Best part is that I didn't charge my plane ticket and don't need the money for missed work while I'm gone since I'm debt free!
On the downside...I caught a stomach bug and am in bed right now since last evening. My guy friend got it too and we just hope we're better by tomorrow. As of this morning my stomach didn't hurt (since it was empty after last night), but I have terrible body aches and am weak. Wasn't able to work today either.
Hoping all goes well.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
This week!?
Exciting and frustrating at the same time!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Planned on 9 months, only took 6
So, I went in and the Branch Manager who set up the loan against my car was there and helped me. I didn't tell her that I paid the car off, I guess because of feeling bad for still owing AMEX. When she looked at my account she paused and said, "You paid off your car? When did you do that?" I told her, "This morning!"
She was so happy for me and gave me a high-five. Then I told her that I have a little left to pay on the card. She couldn't remember when I took the loan out and asked; it was in October and at the time I told her my goal was to pay it off in 9 months...but it only took 6! SO cool!!
I balanced my checkbook and figured out how much I had in my account to transfer to AMEX, $450.00. The housesitting check will be coming soon and I get paid again next week. Also, I have $90 going into my account from eBay, and the 1st of next month I will be requesting another housesitting check for about $240.00. I also have to return some purchases and collect money owed to me for things I used my card for. This should cover the AMEX charges. :)
Bye bye car loan!
When I awoke this morning there were two messages on my to notify me of the direct deposit going through and another from the guy who sends my housesitting check. He didn't say anything other than the check is on its way. Once I get it, I will transfer funds to AMEX.
Tonight I MUST sit down and balance my checkbook.
Paying off my car...again!
This WAS supposed to be my last debt, but I've been [shamefully] using my AMEX card. The only reason I use it is for the Skymiles. Not long ago I was using it to pay for work expenses which I would get reimbursed for, but then started using it for personal things again. This means that after my car loan, I will have to pay AMEX off...again. It's not that much and I'm confident that it will be paid off fast!
I bought my brother a new cell phone a few days ago. I felt bad that I didn't give him a Christmas present last year, and his old hand-me-down phone just broke....totally died. He was really happy to get the new phone which made me feel good. Yes, I used the AMEX. After the rebate it's only costing about $60.00 which isn't bad.
Anyhow, besides feeling a bit down that I added to the AMEX account, I'm happy that once again I will be paying off my car, and this is not a debt that I can add to the balance like a credit card.
Sadly, I have not received my housesitting check, or a response to my email questioning it all. It is supposed to be $160.00 which will go right to my AMEX card when I get it. Gosh, in ten more days I'll be requesting a check for the month of April...
On the other hand, my dad gave me $100.00 for running some important errands for him which he could not do due to being out of state. That check gets deposited tomorrow :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
I have not updated the sidebar and had put my state taxes towards the debt as well. Total return were around $640.
If I got paid today the car loan would have been paid off! BUT I won't be getting my check until Tuesday...and the housesitting check, I don't know when that will come.
I have some extra expenses I need to pay AMEX :( but it won't take long to do.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
It's like pulling teeth!
I know everyone is busy...but when you owe someone and you have the it really that hard to write a check and mail it?
I just sent him a reminder note by email. I try not to bother people, but next time I will email him sooner to follow up and I'm sure that will get things done quicker.
On the brighter side...I'M SO CLOSE! :)
Friday, April 2, 2010
28 Days to goal date!
The good news is that I'm still working on my debt and my projected debt free date is in 28 days...April 30th! I got off track a bit but do feel that I am going to make it! I owe $1,050 on my loan and have two paychecks, taxes and a housesitting check all in my favor this month.
Is it possible that I can reach this goal before the 30th? Yes, anything is possible!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Really wish my housesitting check would's a big one.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Debt free friends?
Many times in the past I was jealous of my friends when I would find out that they didn't have very much debt. It sort of made me feel like a loser for not being able to keep my debt under a few thousand dollars. For instance, I have a friend who has traveled quite a bit and lived in other countries for months at a time. One day we talked about credit cards and such, this is when I found out that her debt was somewhere around $1K and she could pay it off within a couple of months!
It was then that I realized she is able to travel and have fun, due to being nearly debt free, *and free spirited* :) She did not come from a wealthy family and everything she has, she earned.
She's only one of my friends who can do what she wants...because she's not tied down to credit cards... I'm almost there and hope to travel with her *again one day!!! *We took a trip in the US together once - it was one of the best trips I've been on!*
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Extra money
I am expecting more in my account tomorrow, and will update the sidebar as soon as I can get to a computer (this post is via cell phone - love it!).
Will also get paid next week from my job - and hopefully also for housesitting :)
***We can do almost anything...if we only apply ourselves...***
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mini Vacation
We are going to stay at a friend's house so don't need to pay for a hotel, just food and entertainment. I know this can get expensive in a place like Chicago, but will try to keep it at a minimum.
I'm so excited, after buying my ticket last night I was dancing around last night like a kid who ate a bag of candy and had a few sodas!
It will be a good time...and great for me to get away!
P.S...My debt is at $4,147 as of today.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The last few days were spent with new made (from out of town-so it won't happen again) friends and although they paid for more than I did, I still spent more than I normally would. How the money was spent: drinks and entertainment.
Drinks: $22 - they paid for my drinks which totaled more than this, and I paid a small amount for theirs.
Entertainment: $50
On another recent occasion, I spent an additional $20 for winter fun for a cousin's birthday.
The memories and sanity obtained through these outings are more than worth it!!!
However, I sent about $65 on a pair of shoes today. I'm not going to wear them right away to decide if they will go with many outfits and are worth keeping. :). If they aren't, I will return them within a month.
Oh, and spent about $17 on undies. They were all very inexpensive as I went to TJ Maxx. No, I didn't NEED them, just wanted a sexy update.
Oh wow...I've spent a lot! Must re-focus - after a possible quick trip to Chicago soon!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Payday was Monday
Also, I broke down (again) and bought a pair of beautiful shoes! These cost me $40 plus tax. I've been needing, yes needing, a pair like this for a long time.
No insurance
The doc told me that I may have mono (!) although it's too early to tell, and asked if I have been sleeping enough. The truth is, no, I haven't. I've been running my body to the ground which I know isn't good for anyone. So, he told me to get lots of rest, gargle with salt water 4-5 times a day, and that the spots and soreness should go away in time. He also told me that about 95% of the people he has seen with the same thing, were University students! They party and don't sleep enough.
Although I'm glad it isn't strep, it worries me. He also said it is probably just food stuck in the holes of my tonsils...gross!! That's part of what the gargling is for. Sick!
Today when I woke up, it seemed to feel a tiny bit better, I surely hope it gets better soon. I've been doing the salt water gargling which isn't too bad. I think the spots are about the same as they were yesterday.
Luckily there is a clinic for this type of thing which isn't too expensive when you don't have insurance. Even when I do get insurance, I will stick to an HSA, so I'll still have to pay for things like this.
At least it isn't the flu where I hurt all over and am miserable!!! I feel good...besides my throat. :o)
Friday, January 22, 2010
And the ball keeps rolling...
I should get paid on Monday and will be paying more towards the dreaded debt.
I must admit though...I went out with the girls yesterday and spent about $20 on drinks. I needed it.
I'm such a lightweight when it comes to alcohol...which has its pros and cons. It's good because I spend less to feel a buzz...but bad because I have to really pace myself...I guess that isn't a con. I just have to nurse my drinks.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
However, when I send an email from my phone to post something, I'm not able to update the sidebar and that's why it doesn't always match my posting totals.
Today I was able to pay $160.00 to my loan making the new balance $4,810.xx. Blows me away! This time I am actually on the PC so will go update the sidebar now. This is so exciting!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Glad it still exists
Today I transferred funds to my loan and the new balance $4964.xx.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Debt free goal date updated!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
New Year...
That being said, I (as I mentioned it in my last post) am proud of myself for paying off so much last year and sticking with my goal. It wasn't a New Year's resolution when I decided to get out of debt, I was just sick of being IN debt and was determined to get out.
I've never been much of a goal setter, and I feel like this is why I've never done anything HUGE. Many people think I've done so much, but I am my own worst critic...I want, or expect more from myself.
Not having defined goals makes it almost sad to think that soon I will be debt free. Although I know this is a GOOD thing, I don't have a big goal after this and need to come up with something. Of course I have a small list of things I need and want to do that involve money:
•Get health insurance!!!
•3-6 Month emergency fund
•Save for a better car
•Save for travel
•Take a class of some sort (this is frustrating)
•Save for retirement
Things I don't want:
•Debt (the obvious)
What to do? How to figure it out? I love so much and can't narrow it down. I don't want to start something and not want it 100% in the end, or wish I had done something else.
Hmmm...traveling and soul searching may be needed.
Now I'm just rambling.
~P.S. I paid more to my loan on Friday with money that was in my PayPal account and extra in my checking account. New balance is $5,636.xx! Should get paid tomorrow and will update again.