Thursday, January 3, 2013

Slow and steady

Here I am sitting in Starbucks enjoying a lovely Americano in my stainless mug.  Starbucks isn't my favorite place to have coffee for a few reasons, but for Christmas I received a $30.00 gift card which I was very thankful for.  They have this really neat app for iPhone where you can pay by scanning your phone instead of carrying your gift card!  That and the Cinnamon Dolce are the two coolest things at Starbucks, in my opinion.  Oh, wait, the velvet chairs that some locations have are awesome too!  BUT...the coffee.  It's. Just. Not. That. Good.

My online sales have been on the upswing which I'm happy to see, because, this means more money that can go to my overspending that has been weighing on me.  Who knew a small piece of plastic could weigh so much!  I've been working on my inventory room so I can see what I have.  Now that I see it, and have created a bit more working space, I'll be able to get it sold!  --  Can't wait to finish my inventory so I can get to selling and making money!!

Honestly, I'm not going to go gung-ho on my paydown, but I will definitely work on it - at least that's how I feel right now.

Hope all your debt repayments are going well.

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