Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I love Costco! Sometimes too much, I could spend a lot of time there, but shouldn't. Anyhow, I went there today with my mom and left with bananas, cheese, a pineapple, napkins and one of those small fire extinguishers for my car and/or camping.

The fire extingusher is something I have wanted for a while now and when I saw the price of $19.99 less a $7 coupon, I had to have it...for safety. My mom paid for the other one. We also split a package of napkins, those lovely Vanity Fair ones. Yes, I know, I'm trying getting out of debt and maybe shouldn't be spending money on nicer napkins, but paid about $4 for 3 packages, of nice ones. Not too bad.

Also, the cheese, I wouldn't normally buy this, but $9 for a 2 lb block of my BF's favorite kind, I did. Normally I would ask him to pay for the whole thing, but he didn't ask me to buy it so I'll pay half...and eat about a third.

I really need to get better at keeping track of my spending and which categories to put things in. I need a category in my budget for household / non-grocery items such as napkins, drano (which we need), etc.

How do all you internet people (as if I had a group of people I'm talking to) do it? Carry a small notebook and write in it -- save daily receipts and log them daily -- any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I don't go to Costco. Since it is just myself and my husband, we don't feel the bulk buying with the yearly fee benefits us. I usually get better deals for everyday items at CVS(using ExtraCare bucks) or Walmart. Sometimes my grocery store has buy one get one on stuff like spray cleaner or dishwasher detergent. Then I usually stock up because I am eventually going to use it. I stick to my local grocery store for my meats and veggies. I usually budget my food and everyday stuff in one category. I tend to mix up funds if I seperated them because I shop at different locations.
